Generation Kennedy Event Inspires Action

A highlight for many was the visit from Kennedy caucus supporters Raymond Chan and Larry Campbell. Both men went table-to-table and person-to-person amongst the crowd to introduce themselves, and share their reasons for endorsing and supporting Gerard.
In a speech to the crowd, Mr. Chan spoke of Gerard's amazing leadership record and organizational experience, having been able to earn donations worth over $30 million to the major food bank he ran and recruit the thousands of volunteers necessary to widely distribute the food resources. He also talked about how, in government, Gerard managed to turn around Ontario's struggling education system, and how his entire life's work has demontrated a commitment to helping and serving ordinary Canadians.
Senator Larry Campbell also addressed the crowd, and like Raymond Chan, received wide and very robust applause for his remarks. Campbell spoke of how important it was to have a candidate with the ability to get the Liberal Party "out of the penalty box" and into a position where it can fight Stephen Harper from a position of great strength, and how Gerard's youth, energy and well-defined ideas and values make him the best person for the task.
After the speeches, the crowd watched Gerard's famous introduction video on the bar's big screen TV, and cheers came from throughout the crowd as the narrator proclaimed "We can do this."
Then, as a very special surprise, Gerard spoke to the crowd directly from the same screen, as the campaign played a video message he had recorded just hours earlier. In it, Gerard thanked the BC youth for attending the great event and spoke of the importance of having youth come together across the country to share their openness to change, and excercise their "meaningful voice every step of the way" on this long campaign trail.
"In every generation, the real changes that are needed only happen if the people who are most open to change, the youth, make them happen," he said. "That's what the Liberal Party - and that's what Canada - needs."
The experience was a great one for everyone involved, and we all look forward to many similar and even better events and gatherings to come!
Thanks to all who attended,
-The BCY4K Team
P.S. A large collection of photos from the event should be uploaded to the photo gallery by mid-Sunday
AND REMEMBER: You only have until July 4th at the very latest to join the Liberal Party and vote for Gerard! Use the links on the right sidebar of this website to join the party and find resources to help you share Gerard's message.
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